King’s Park – Perth, Australia

King (Rowan)’s Park

This morning we headed to the city to meet with Z and S’s friend J who took us on a drive around the riverside areas of downtown Perth. The views of the city and the river were incredible and I could see why people spend millions to build homes by the water’s edge. The neighborhood of Subiaco, where J lives, was one of our favorite areas, with it’s 19th century details, adorable cottage-y homes, and large, mature trees.

We stopped at J’s house for a quick drink and rest from the 38 degree heat and then headed to King’s Park, a huge (more than 1000 acres) park beside Perth’s central business district (CBD) and a key destination point for families in the city. We spent two hours at the fabulous Lotterywest Family Area playgrounds so that Rowan could play and roam. The playgrounds are gorgeous and there are lots of them so that Rowan was hot and sweaty in no time, running from the obstacle course to the perfect kid-sized airplane and delivery truck, to the pirate ship and castle.

Rowan on his throne – Perth, Australia
Rowan on his throne – Perth, Australia

The play area is ideal for families, with shaded sitting areas for parents to hang out in and watch the little ones. There’s also a lovely restaurant, called StickyBeaks, which serves pretty healthy lunch dishes and snacks, including a few very tasty vegetarian options. Kevin and I shared a grilled vegetable sandwich on Turkish bread, and a tomato and basil frittata, both of which came with yummy side salads of carrots, watercress and sprouts.

Rowan wore himself out at the park and, even though he swore he wasn’t tired, fell asleep instantly for his afternoon nap, curled up in his Lightning McQueen bed sheets. He’s now dreaming, no doubt, of pirates and dragon slaying and of all the amazing games King Rowan could play in the shade of giant Eucalyptus trees – if our trip to Perth didn’t end tomorrow…


2 responses

  1. Claudette Avatar

    I love to read your accounts, Michela. Your clean, objective style is like a camera treating my eyes to a very personal and compelling experience where each word has the same power as those little white pebbles leading to a good place in other tales.

    1. Michela Pasquali Avatar

      I love reading your comments, Claudette. Your lovely and descriptive words are like a sweet tea, making me feel happy and special, that perhaps my pebbles do lead somewhere beautiful. Thank you.

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