Western Grey Kangaroo – Perth Zoo, Perth, Australia

A setting sun, an evening swim and a path to the moon

We’ve been lounging lazily at S and Z’s place in Perth for the last few days, with some sight seeing at the Perth Zoo, Fremantle and nearby beaches like Coogee. Tonight we went for a swim and a picnic at South Beach with S and Z and several of their friends, all “self imposed exiles” from other countries.

We gathered near a playground that Rowan couldn’t get enough of and chatted while the sun began to set on the Indian ocean. At about 7 pm, S, Z and I decided to go for a swim. The water was cool, but super clear and it felt extraordinary to be in the ocean staring at the most gorgeous sunset and the dynamic windswept blue sky that you can only see at the edge of a vast and seemingly endless body of water.

Checking out the local book store – Freemantle, Perth, Australia
Checking out the local book store – Freemantle, Perth, Australia

After about 20 minutes of swimming and sun gazing, the pink and orange display was over, and we made our way out of the water and back to the picnic, where, of course, a major feast was laid out. We nibbled on J’s yummy veggie salads and heavenly bread, take-out pizza, and Z’s scrumptious home-made cake as the light disappeared from the sky and the stars came out in full force.

I pointed out some of the stars to Rowan and he said, “It’s like a path, Mamma.”

“A path leading where, little man?”

Smiling, he answered: “A path to the moon.”


2 responses

  1. Michela Pasquali Avatar

    Hi Eva, he does say the strangest things sometimes. Some profound, some just plain silly. That’s what makes his endless chatter so much fun … you never know what you’re going to hear!

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