Hong Kong from The Peak

Transportation as destination

For a three-year-old boy, getting there is more exciting than being there. Today we took a hotel shuttle bus to a drop off point near The Star Ferry and Rowan was swept away by the idea that we had our own personal bus that drove really fast. Next we took the ferry across to Hong Kong Island, and of course he was amazed at being able to travel on the water in a boat. Then, after a quick taxi ride, we went to The Peak via a tram that pulled us up the side of a hill at incredibly steep angles and Rowan was mesmerised, big smile all over his face, not perturbed at all by the even minutest possibility of falling, unlike mamma.

Rowan in playground at The Peak, Hong Kong
Rowan in playground at The Peak, Hong Kong

At the top, he wasn’t at all impressed by the view of the city and harbour. He left all the picture taking to Papa, while he and I searched for a potty in the multilevel mall on top of The Peak. When he saw that it was a squat toilet, he suddenly decided the call to nature wasn’t that urgent. But of course that only meant that 10 minutes later it was urgent and he and I were back in the bathroom. Afterward he felt like a really big boy and ran around this courtyard behind the mall where he discovered a small playground that was just his size. He couldn’t have been happier.


2 responses

  1. Eva kitheninspirations.wordpress.com Avatar

    It’s incredible to be able to witness your lovely trip through the eyes of Rowan…oh to be able to experience these things for the first time again…

  2. Michela Pasquali Avatar

    Hi Eva, yes Rowan’s perspective is certainly unique. We’re learning a lot about his personality (and wondering about what goes on in that perplexing mind of his) every day. He’s also maturing in leaps and bounds on this trip – literally he’s growing up right before our eyes…

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