Hotel Icon - 3 am

Jet lagged at 3 am in Hong Kong

When Kevin and I told friends what we had planned for our next family vacation, we got more than a couple of raised eyebrows and even heard a few cries of “you’re crazy!”. Most of the people we know have plans to spend a week or two out West or maybe down South. But we decided to spend a month with our three-year-old son, Rowan, exploring two developing countries – the Philippines and Borneo – and bookending the trip with urban visits to Hong Kong and Perth.

A Timbit before the 14 hour flight – Toronto, Canada
A Timbit before the 14 hour flight – Toronto, Canada

We know Rowan will love the access to nature and wildlife that these destinations promise as much as we will. But being so far away from home… for a month… with a toddler? Are we getting in over our heads? It was the influence of technology that won us over.

We plan to use technology throughout our trip to make the ten flights, two boat trips and eight hotel stays as stress free as possible. We’ll be using an iPad, iPhone, travel apps, Skype account, and two digital cameras (one just for kids) to help give us the right combination of adventure and leisure, fun and peace-of-mind that we’re after.

Here are some of the places we’re visiting and that I’ll be writing about: Hong Kong (including Disneyland), the Philippines (the islands of Cebu and Bohol), Malaysian Borneo (highlighting Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary and Selingan Island’s sea turtle conservation park), and Perth, Australia (including Caversham Wildlife Park). I’ll post some photos as well, and write about how much the mobile technology helps. So far, it’s pretty handy, especially when you’re up against a jet lagged toddler at 3 am in a Hong Kong hotel room…


6 responses

  1. Darrell Cheung Avatar
    Darrell Cheung

    Sounds like a great trip. Did you stay at Hotel Icon? Do you recommend it? Barbara and I will be back in Hong Kong in April.

    Stay safe!

    1. Michela Pasquali Avatar

      Hi Darrell, yes we’re staying at hotel icon and it’s fantastic. The rooms are amazing and the staff are super nice and helpful. The location is really good too. I can’t recommend it enough!

  2. Rolf Avatar

    What a fantastic adventure. Looking forward to reading about your trip!

  3. Eva Avatar

    WOW! That sounds like an amazing adventure. I have to admit, we got some pretty dozy reactions when we told people we were going to Morocco last year; unexpectedly negative from relatively positive people. If Rowan is anything like either of you or Kevin, this should be a relatively easy trip! I wish you well and I am very much looking forward to reading all about it. Happy travels.
    You may wish to check out Kristy’s blog at Eat Play Love, our family food adventure; she featured a load of Filipino recipes to get you in the mood.

    1. Michela Pasquali Avatar

      Thanks, Eva. So far, Rowan is pretty easy going except for the jet lag. Even when he’s tired, the little trooper is keen to experience something new. Thanks for recommending your friend’s website re Filipino food. We’re having great luck with food in HK and are looking forward to new culinary adventures all along the way…

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