Cebu, Philippines

So near and yet so far

Just 1700 km from Hong Kong, Cebu is a world apart. In Hong Kong we were surrounded by skyscrapers, lights and people. It averaged about 18 degrees during our visit and was cloudy every day.

Since we’ve been in Cebu, we’ve seen nothing but sunny skies and 30+ degree weather. There’s lush vegetation everywhere at the resort, Shangri-La’s Mactan Resort and Spa, the air always smells like flowers and there isn’t a skyscraper in sight.

Rowan and some coral – Cebu, Philippines
Rowan and some coral – Cebu, Philippines

And I finally got to pack away my socks and break out the flip flops! Rowan was confused at first about this newfound freedom and insisted he couldn’t wear his shoes without socks. But he spent most of today walking around with no shoes at all. He’s a changed little man.

“I want to walk on the grass, Mamma. It’s nice and soft on my feet.”


2 responses

  1. Eva Avatar

    How cute is that! I can certainly sympathize with Rowan, my feet often feel claustraphobic in the winter months!

  2. Michela Pasquali Avatar

    Hi Eva, I understand completely. In an ideal world, I would wear flipflops all year round. I may need to listen to our Perth hosts and move here permanently…

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